Universe and God.
I wish I could travel the world
in a car with blackened windows.
Then they would see
that I am not the Elephant Man.
And the bleeding would stop
from a gutted pig.
Prepared with a stab to its throat
blood oozing/gushing gushing/oozing out!
Like an oil well from 'There Will Be Blood'
To be fed to the people
who've tied white blankets to their heads
There is no rain
To shield them from what?
A man holds a picture of an old lady
a new ancestor to be worshiped
When no one is looking.
The blood is still oozing.
The tumor is cut.
It smothers him now. It blocks his throat.
He's stuck in a rut.
He can hardly speak. He thinks:
"Well, may we wonder at the failure of our values,
and take flight into thought. For if thought is born
of wonder and failure, it likewise gives birth to
understanding - and success."
He then consoles himself:
"And so let it be,
let the bleeding stop.
For out of wonder and failure.
God is a late night talk show host.
The universe is the late night show.
You are the joke.
What happened to your sense of humor?